MOOLMANSHOF is said to be the oldest house still standing in Swellendam. It is a National Heritage Building and a classic example of an H-Shaped Cape Dutch style farmhouse. It is situated on the last remaining hectare of the old farm.
Lizette Hendry, your host has lovingly restored this old gem into a charming and comfortable guest house, the password to enter being "RELAX"
There are 3 bedrooms in the Manor House, all en suit, dining room with its old yellow wood stable door with cast iron hinges. The old stables have been converted into 3 self catering units.
Strolling through the gardens is a delightful experience. Little unexpected signs, gorgeous flowering bushes, a personable scarecrow and ancient trees lure you down verdant pathways. Or just cool off and relax in the private little swimming pool under the oaks, watching little owlets peering from their nest. The house is set back from Voortrek Street, Swellendam’s main road, previously “ Die Ou Kaapse Wapad”, ( The Old Cape Wagon Road).

Moolmanshof Main House
Said to be the oldest house still standing in Swellendam, also the first Guest House in Swellendam and a National Monument.
All rooms have original yellow wood ceilings and beams; yellow wood and stinkwood doors; extra wide yellow wood window sills. Floors are either Oregon pine or Yellow wood.